The Edinburgh West SNP candidate Sarah Masson claims that new analysis from The Scottish Government shows that Boris Johnson’s revised Brexit deal would leave people in Edinburgh West the equivalent of £1,600 per person worse off by 2030.

The analysis also found that Scotland’s GDP would fall by around £9 billion compared to projections if the UK stayed in the EU.

Ms Masson calls on voters to back the SNP if they want to escape the chaos of Brexit.

She is also encouraging Edinburgh West constituents to make sure they are registered to vote. You can do this online at

Sarah Masson said: “This upcoming election will be one of the most important in living memory – so it’s absolutely crucial that people here in Edinburgh West are registered to vote.  

“Scotland didn’t vote for Brexit, but the Tories at Westminster are hell bent on dragging Scotland out of the EU against our will.

“Today’s analysis has made clear that any form of Brexit will inflict major harm on Scotland’s economy – costing hard working families right here in our capital £1,600 per person.

“We can’t let Boris Johnson cut us off from the world, putting thousands of jobs at stake in the process. It’s time for action not words – let’s use this election to send Westminster a message that we’ve had enough.

“Vote SNP on 12th December and escape the never ending chaos of Brexit.”  

There will be no negotiation on Brexit during the election campaign which culminates in the 2019 General Election on 12 December 2019.

Sarah Masson
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